Beach Body

He really print three colors showing above penguin on the beaches of Antarctica.

Beach Body is my version of a buff penguin on the shores of Antarctica. It is a relief print made from three carved plates a blue, orange, and black on Mohawk superfine. The plates are carved on Sinatra plastic plates. I only have black relief printing ink and I printed them all in black and… Continue reading Beach Body

Digital Painting | Bicycle

As a child, my bicycle was the ultimate feeling of freedom. It was pre-helmet days and I loved the wind in my hair while riding down the sidewalk feeling the bump of each new section. Bump-bump, Bump-bump, Bump-bump. Because it was a bicycle everything, including sounds comes in two. This image was created for

Digital Painting 041811 | Neapolitan Sunday

Neapolitan Sunday by Scott E Franson | size: 5×7 | media: digital The soft diffused light of strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate. The image was created using four different textures. One made from single sided corrugated cardboard, two traditionally gessoed panels, and a repeating pattern. I enjoy the way the different textures overlay one another allowing… Continue reading Digital Painting 041811 | Neapolitan Sunday

Painting No.012811

Coming up with an idea is always a challenge and this was no exception. I knew that I wanted to use the technique of painting a series of acrylic paintings in black, scanning them with backlight, and then coloring them in Photoshop, but I couldn’t make up my mind what to paint.

Painting No.012711

Painting No.012711 by Scott E Franson | size: 5×7 | media: digital In my quest to discover new options and possibilities in digital art creation, I am always exploring the question of, “What if?” The exploration today has led me to some interesting surfaces created with acrylic paint and a texture made with ink and… Continue reading Painting No.012711

Attic Bottles

There is always a box of glass bottles left as an inheritance for posterity. They are kind of cool and seem to have some value and so the very dusty bottles are passed on from one attic to the next…and the next… This image is made with three photoshop layers. Each layer was drawn in… Continue reading Attic Bottles

Calico cammmel

This painting was done as an experiment in a workshop that I went to last week. As everyone should know three humps are for crossing longer deserts. This camel should be spelled cammmel. The workshop was with Kevin Hawkes at the Writing and Illustration for Young Readers Conference in Sandy, Utah. As always it was… Continue reading Calico cammmel