Digital Painting 041811 | Neapolitan Sunday

Neapolitan Sunday by Scott E Franson | size: 5×7 | media: digital The soft diffused light of strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate. The image was created using four different textures. One made from single sided corrugated cardboard, two traditionally gessoed panels, and a repeating pattern. I enjoy the way the different textures overlay one another allowing… Continue reading Digital Painting 041811 | Neapolitan Sunday

Painting No.012811

Coming up with an idea is always a challenge and this was no exception. I knew that I wanted to use the technique of painting a series of acrylic paintings in black, scanning them with backlight, and then coloring them in Photoshop, but I couldn’t make up my mind what to paint.

Painting No.012711

Painting No.012711 by Scott E Franson | size: 5×7 | media: digital In my quest to discover new options and possibilities in digital art creation, I am always exploring the question of, “What if?” The exploration today has led me to some interesting surfaces created with acrylic paint and a texture made with ink and… Continue reading Painting No.012711