Decisions, Big and Small

Decisions, Big and Small, begin to weigh down as soon as the statement “You have cancer.” is uttered. There is a critical set of choices to be made. To treat or not, how do we help our children? How do we pay for the treatment? What about work? Where will we stay? Will this even… Continue reading Decisions, Big and Small

Inside My Story

When the doctor calls and invites you into the office, you can be sure that it isn’t good news. Knowing that bad news is coming, I try to figure out what could be coming and what I will do about it. It is like taking a deep breath and holding it. The diagnosis arrives. In… Continue reading Inside My Story

Connected & Protected

Non-objective artwork about Organ Transplant

Life does go on after a major organ transplant with a delicate balance. The organ needs to be connected to function, but the body views the organ as a foreign object. Immunosuppression medication protects the body from rejecting the new organ. This daily balance of connecting and protecting is monitored with occasional blood work to… Continue reading Connected & Protected

Digital Painting | Bicycle

As a child, my bicycle was the ultimate feeling of freedom. It was pre-helmet days and I loved the wind in my hair while riding down the sidewalk feeling the bump of each new section. Bump-bump, Bump-bump, Bump-bump. Because it was a bicycle everything, including sounds comes in two. This image was created for

You are needed and make a difference!

This past weekend our family experienced a great tragedy. Our sixth grade science teacher passed away in an accident. I have heard about Mr. McCullaugh over and over again since he first began teaching at our middle school. Our oldest daughter was in his class his first year teaching. His experiments and demonstrations were legendary… Continue reading You are needed and make a difference!

Categorized as day to day

Stripey hatches four and soon there will be more

The chicks began hatching and so far there are four with three more starting to hatch. It looks like we will have seven new chicks in the morning. Who knows, the other two might hatch and then we would have nine. The bantam chickens eggs are a bit bigger than a ping pong ball which… Continue reading Stripey hatches four and soon there will be more

Categorized as day to day

Food, Fun and M&Ms

It was a great Halloween evening. We went to visit the grandparents with a flower, a polar bear, a fortune teller and something in a black sheet of fabric. There was lots of good soup and and conversation. We laughed a lot and I really did eat too many M&Ms.

Categorized as day to day

Benjamin Bunny

He is all white with soft pink eyes but there is nothing “soft” about Benjamin Bunny. Inch long claws have carved scars into the flesh of several family members. I use to laugh at the killer rabbit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but now I know that it was a documentary.

Life in Lyman: Scattered Sunshine

As we left for our doctor’s appointment/wedding/family reunion last week I locked the front door and walked past our front flower bed on the way to the car. We have been getting compliments since the flowers started to bloom. I would take some credit, but all credit belongs to a kind neighbor who planted it… Continue reading Life in Lyman: Scattered Sunshine

Life in Lyman: Pretty in Pink

“What if everything in the world were pink?” said my five-year-old, Charlotte. “The Flowers, and grass, and trees, and clouds. Would you like that mom?” “No.” said Brenda.“Oh yeah,” she said, “Then boys wouldn’t like it.” I agree. As a boy, I have vivid memories of pushing my yellow Tonka Truck around the block. Ku… Continue reading Life in Lyman: Pretty in Pink

Life in Lyman: Toothless Fairy

Tooth number three came out yesterday morning. She is so excited about losing teeth that she really worked on this one and it still had a pretty good root attached. Now, you know the drill. Under the pillow, money in the morning. But the tooth fairy didn’t come. Shame on the tooth fairy! The tooth fairy’s… Continue reading Life in Lyman: Toothless Fairy

Life in Lyman: Click-ity-Click-ity-Click-ity

We have a great new neighbor. They moved in almost a year ago and remodeled an old shop into a dance studio and started teaching clogging lessons. It has been wonderful for all of the children. A big concert was the grand finale for the dance season. All of the children did a wonderful job.… Continue reading Life in Lyman: Click-ity-Click-ity-Click-ity

Life in Lyman: Not at My House

“I don’t want “meat” rabbits at my house! Who would kill them? Would you kill them?” I asked my five-year-old daughter. “No.” she said. “I would take them to a slaughter house.” said my wife. “Oh, that is someone that has a tree cut down.” said my daughter. After a short pause. “Do you mean… Continue reading Life in Lyman: Not at My House

Life in Lyman: Snip

My youngest daughter likes to cut hair. She use to scalp her sister’s stuffed animals, but that ended in weeping, whaling, and gnashing of teeth. It really was very traumatic. Her first “real” self-inflicted haircut resulted in her long golden curls hidden under her bed, behind the couch, behind our old wood stove. Little locks of… Continue reading Life in Lyman: Snip