Life in Lyman: Pretty in Pink

“What if everything in the world were pink?” said my five-year-old, Charlotte. “The Flowers, and grass, and trees, and clouds. Would you like that mom?”

“No.” said Brenda.“Oh yeah,” she said, “Then boys wouldn’t like it.”

I agree. As a boy, I have vivid memories of pushing my yellow Tonka Truck around the block. Ku chunk, Ka chunk, Ka chunk, as I ran over the cracks in the sidewalk. I could feel the vibration in my teeth the whole time hearing the grinding of metal against metal and the grit of the plastic wheels on concrete. It is such a good memory that it makes me think in order for life to really be good, some things just have to be yellow.

1 comment

  1. I have to agree. Not just about the yellow, but about different periods of life tied in with specific colors. I had a very distinct spring green phase, a peach and a robin egg blue phase while growing up. Now I just like color period.
    (I'm thinking about a reunion "snake" revenge…that doesn't involve snakes).

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