Life in Lyman: e-i-e-i-o

My wife Brenda has a farm


On her farm she has 10 chickens


One dog here and one goat there

here a goat there a goat everywhere a drop of goat

My wife Brenda has a farm



  1. A drop of goat indeed. And I’m guessing there are few chicken drops as well. I love, love love all the new illustrations and the felt postage stamp style. You ARE amazing!

  2. I’m with mitchowl, love the goat tongue.

    Does Brenda really HAVE a pitchfork though?

  3. Instead of bib overalls I want brown/orange coveralls for the brutal winters. My birthday is in September…… hint, hint…….. Also, I would like some flowers even if they are from the grocery store counter in cellophane……….. and some chocolate…….. lots of chocolate, actually…. oh, and a rabbit, male preferably…..

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