Three of the four ukulele bridges popped off with the strings tuned and tightened. I designed a new bridge that gave a larger gluing area. Then one of the ukes was bumped off a shelf and the neck broke off. I fixed that one this morning and after a day of drying time I will restring it.
Even with all of the mishaps the ukes have been worth the work. Last night we spent some time with the kids playing them and had a great fun. They are picking it up very quickly.
I am learning CSS for designing web sites and made progress. I will probably change my web site for practice and to make it easier to maintain.
It’s been fun to hear about your instrument making adventure. When my oldest son was in Jr. High he built a viola, from a block of wood up. He played it all through high school and BYU-Idaho Chamber and Symphony orchestras. He still plays it.
Why did he build one?
Cause his mom and dad were too cheap to buy one for him.
Anyway, I can ask him about glue if you’d like.
Scott- I didn’t know that blogger templates were editable in CSS. Do you have a book or website that’s helping to teach you how to do CSS?