1. Dear Scott,
    Lily and I were viewing your paintings. Love them!!! We got to the bow ties and went to the site to check it out. We found nothing that looked like yours. When we returned to your site, walla… there was a new painting… only it is dated for 1 minute after midnight tomarrow. That is funny it is only 2:11pm on the 13th here. So we are sort of wondering whether you have a time machine or something. Lucky!

    Anyway, we are interested to know if you got an update on you bow ties.

    Keep up the good work. Love Em and Lily

  2. This painting made me feel like I was on Mars and very happy about it. The bright colors are just so awesome. You make me want to steal your color palette for my illustration work.

  3. My golfer son said these look like balls on tees. I’m kind of a tree hugger so of course they’re trees to me. Great image. Different things to different people.

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