One step closer

I received a nice rejection from a literary agent this morning. I am disappointed but I guess that it is one rejection closer to getting an agent or selling the next book. I have about five books going right now with one that I am attached to.

There are moments where the story moves forward and I am convinced that this is it. But sometimes the advancements are dead end roads that lead the story away from its core idea and it becomes necessary to back up. I was hopeful that this last version was the right balance. Back to the drawing board.


  1. I have sent work to two different agents. They have both responded. I don’t know if this is “typical” but I am assuming that because I met them both at writing and illustrating conferences they are more likely to reply.

  2. I’m told rejection is good for the ego… but if you don’t have much of one…???

    You have the right attitude though. One step closer to the ONE!

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