Learning to See: Negative Space

Negative space is the space between and around objects within a defined format.

Negative Space Questions

When looking at art and design, one thing that will help you see the composition more clearly is looking for negative space. Asking the following questions will help.

  • What new shapes appear when forms are places within a format?
  • What relationships do the shapes in the composition have to the format?

“To make open the eyes.” —Joseph Albers

Joseph Albers is one of my favorite art educators. The more I learn about him, the more respect I gain for him. He taught foundational concepts at the Bauhaus, where he was encouraging students to learn to see and to ask questions. As he says, “To make open the eyes.”

I have found that I learn best through making and observing. This physical experience is an influential teacher. I can no more give a student the ability to see; than, a piano teacher can provide their students the ability to play the piano. Skill comes from active practice and dedicated pursuit of the craft. 

Because I am hoping to continue helping students to make open the eyes, I am developing a series of short videos that propose questions to encourage students of design to learn to see.

Learning to See is a video glossary that focuses on the elements and principles of design.

What Aspiring Artists Need to Know

ArtBasics.online is the home of Learning to See: Foundations in Design Basics. Leave your contact information and I will let you know when the class launches.