Illustration Friday: geeky


  1. I know exactly who I could buy this for right now! And I love your disclaimer. Funny!!

  2. This is great. I think my parents must be raising us to be geeks we celebrate PI day every March 14. (3.14) It sounds smart but it’s really just a good reason to eat a lot of pie. (I mean A LOT of pie)

  3. You have a great sense of humor. Very nice book cover! I like your other work too.

  4. Brilliant as usual! I loved your funny comments too about responsible celebrities–that’s hilarious!

  5. Where can I get that book? I need my little geek to help pay for my retirement. :)

  6. As a responsible celebrity myself, I will agree with Mr. Franson’s comments. It is not an easy road to hoe and he is to be applauded for his tenacity.

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to meet with my parole officer.

  7. Ah the perfect guide for parents with artistic children…cute and very clever franson

  8. ohh! too bad i would love to have that book for my baby.. well hmm.. he’s six and not a baby anymore tho.. hmm.. still….

    anyways, cool design!

  9. I saw your illustration the other day but couldn’t comment…. now, i’d been searching till i found it…i needed to say: THE BEST GEEK I’VE EVER SEEN!…the whole concept is great!…love it! love it!

  10. Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!

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