Learn Digital Illustration from Scratch
Digital Relief Printing is a free digital illustration class for serious beginning artists. The strong graphic appearance of a relief print is created by carving away the parts of the image that you don’t want, hence, carving is a reductive process and looks completely different than an image made with additive tools such as pen, pencil or paintbrush.
Each stage in the process of carving, inking, and printing a relief print impacts the way it looks.
Thousands of examples of linoleum block prints online provide a vast library of interesting marks. These are time-tested marks add power and impact to an image. Each stage in the process of carving, inking and printing a relief print impacts the way it looks.
- Carving creates hard sharp edges, therefore, learning how to create hard edge brushes in Photoshop is a simple key skill.
- Carving creates lines that vary in width, consequently, learning how to adjust brushes to change with based on pressure is necessary.
- Inking with a brayer makes a unique texture and so learning how to create and apply a texture to a flat color is essential.
- Printing inks are transparent, and so layer modes are changed to show transparency.
These are only a few examples of how creating an image based on relief printing provides opportunity to master digital illustration.
What is Artbasics.online
ArtBasics.online is the art school for the serious beginning artist. The classes focus on foundational principles to benefit artists pursuing a professional career. The lessons are based on the years I have spent as a university instructor preparing students for
Classes under development
Digital Illustration teaches the basics of Adobe Photoshop by using traditional media so that the student learns to control mark making. The ability to assess how to make specific marks opens the door to the unlimited possibilities of digital illustration.
Design Basics covers the elements of design and how to use them to create artwork with power and presence. Design principles provide a foundation to begin the process of creation.
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