Books that help me

I just started reading The Righteous Mind ( as recommended by Mr. Mike Laughead. I am just a few pages into the book and so I am not sure what to think yet but it does feel great to be reading to gain more insight. There are a few books that I return to often that helps me keep perspective.

Forgive for Good by Dr. Fred Luskin. This book changed my understanding of forgiveness. Previous to reading the book I felt like the person that needed forgiveness was the offender, but I learned that forgiveness is for the offended. The offended need to forgive to let go of the pain that they have been caused. Without forgiving the offended person relives the offense over and over again even after the offender has moved on and in most cases could care less about the offense. Holding on to a grudge does nothing to punish the offender, it poisons the life of the offended individual.

Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking by David Bayles and Ted Orland. This book is a good kick in the but when I am moping in Imposters syndrome. I have this book in an audio format and listen to it at least once a year.

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. This is a book about creative recovery and developing healthy attitudes and practices in art-making.

These are a few of the books that help me live a health life as a person and a creator of artifacts.


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