A Magician’s Mistake

As you may have noticed, I have been away for a while. I have finally returned and I have had an adventure. I had exploratory surgery and now look like I was involved in a magician’s accident. I am the proud owner of a 15 inch scar that follows along the bottom of my ribs to the sternum on my right side. The results of the surgery are all good for me. It is a relief to have it over with.


  1. Glad to hear your surgery went well. Hope everything else with you is going good.
    When I read the title of this post I thought it sounded like a new idea you had for a book or something…
    “The Magician’s Mistake” by Scott E Franson. Sounds cool I think. :)

    Wishing you the best,
    Dave (aka. David H.) :)

  2. I’m glad the surgery went well and that you are recovering! I just love looking at your blog and miss the carefree days of school. I give your book on a regular basis at baby showers and feel privileged to have taken classes from you. I hope all your students reading this know how lucky they are! -Adrienne Berry

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