Decisions, Big and Small

Decisions, Big and Small, begin to weigh down as soon as the statement “You have cancer.” is uttered. There is a critical set of choices to be made. To treat or not, how do we help our children? How do we pay for the treatment? What about work? Where will we stay? Will this even… Continue reading Decisions, Big and Small

Inside My Story

When the doctor calls and invites you into the office, you can be sure that it isn’t good news. Knowing that bad news is coming, I try to figure out what could be coming and what I will do about it. It is like taking a deep breath and holding it. The diagnosis arrives. In… Continue reading Inside My Story

Connected & Protected

Non-objective artwork about Organ Transplant

Life does go on after a major organ transplant with a delicate balance. The organ needs to be connected to function, but the body views the organ as a foreign object. Immunosuppression medication protects the body from rejecting the new organ. This daily balance of connecting and protecting is monitored with occasional blood work to… Continue reading Connected & Protected